Are the problems of your past or present holding you back from being the person you want to be? Dr. Rickard is a Psychoanalytic Psychologist. She is dedicated to the emotional well-being of her patients and committed to helping them lead a happy, productive life. Don’t struggle through life believing there’s no alternative. Let Dr. Rickard help you develop a course to overall success.
Dr. Rickard’s easy approach and genuine care about your issues make opening up easy and satisfying, making the road to recovery a smoother path. Her psychological services often lead to a healthier, more productive life.

Psychotherapy Approach
Knowledge into Growth
Self-knowledge and contentment will elude you if you don’t know how to seek it. Whatever experiences of your past might be haunting you and stunting your emotional growth, Dr. Rickard has the experience and techniques to show you the living connection between problems in your life today and pain from your past, and how to turn your new knowledge of these connections into growth. With careful attention, she will individualize your diagnosis and treatment, instead of mechanically applying psychiatric labels and fashionable techniques.
Ready to Get Started?
Please take a few moments to look over the services provided. Healing will start when the issues come to the surface and are dealt with in depth. Dr. Rickard is dedicated to giving you the tools to make this happen. Call today and set up an appointment and begin the process of self-realization.